Riesgo cardiovascular, adiposidad y marcadores aterogénicos e inflamatorios en pacientes con enfermedad metabólica.





Keywords Metabolic diseases, atherogenic index, adipokines, platelet to lymphocyte ratio, neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio, cardiovascular risk.


Metabolic disorders are characterized by a low grade of chronic inflammation. Several inflammatory and atherogenic markers and adipokines are associated to metabolic syndrome and increase the atherosclerosis and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Objective: describe the cardiovascular risk, adiposity, atherogenic and inflammatory markers in Mexican patients from Durango State, Mexico. Anthropometric measurements, lipid profile, hematic biometry, and serum adipokines were made. Adiposity, atherogenic index, inflammation ratios, and cardiovascular risk were calculated. Corporal and visceral fat were classified as high and very high. Moreover, 88.3% of the patient met the criteria for Metabolic syndrome. Inflammation markers, atherogenic index, and cardiovascular risk were higher in patients with the highest number of comorbidities. Conclusion: the therapeutic target should be focused on correcting these abnormalities and decreasing CVR and mortality.



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How to Cite

Zavaleta Muñiz, S. A., Maravilla Domínguez , M. A., Martínez Sandoval, A., Muñoz Yañez, C., & Guangorena Gómez, J. O. (2023). Riesgo cardiovascular, adiposidad y marcadores aterogénicos e inflamatorios en pacientes con enfermedad metabólica. CISA, 5(5), 103–115. https://doi.org/10.58299/cisa.v5i5.41



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