Gamificación en la Educación Superior




Learning, gamification, motivation, technology, neuroscience


The present document is a critical documentary analysis of literature, a non-experimental research design, descriptive transactional in nature, concerning the state of 21st-century education and how technology, specifically the game in its known model as gamification, promotes enriched environments of enthusiasm. It is possible to observe the recognition of factors inherent to emotional themes as triggers for learning, with motivation as the main driving force. Furthermore, in this web of new disciplines, neuroscience and, in turn, neuroeducation and neurodidactics emerge, facilitating the understanding of how the brain works better under certain stimuli. Similarly, ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) are recognized as allies in shaping innovative education capable of awakening learning processes in a creative, dynamic, and motivating manner. The result is a comprehensive teaching process; an education that integrates play with gamification as a formative assessment process.


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How to Cite

López Arciniega, L. A., Ramirez Covarrubias, A. C., Villegas Gónzalez, M. P., & Arriaga Nabor, M. O. (2023). Gamificación en la Educación Superior. CISA, 5(5).



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