English español

El tutor


  • Malaquias Montaño Guzman Unidad Academica del Norte del EStado de Nayarit




Calidad impacto, nivel superior, Tutoría


This research aims to analyze the impact of the implementation of the Institutional Program of Academic Tutoring, on students during the 2021-2022 cycle, in the academic programs of Administration, Accounting and Marketing of the Academic Unit of the North of the State of Nayarit (UANEN), the methodology used for this research work, will be considered a mixed and descriptive approach. A questionnaire was applied to a sample of 189 students of the higher level and an interview with the tutoring coordinator, as the main result it was obtained that 80% of the respondents stated that they had a positive impact of the tutoring program. Therefore, it was concluded that tutoring plays an important role of accompaniment in higher level students, however there are tutors who do not carry out their work.


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How to Cite

Montaño Guzman, M. (2023). English español: El tutor. CISA, 5(5), 65–75. https://doi.org/10.58299/cisa.v5i5.40



Scientific articles: RESEARCH REPORTS