Relevance of Vocational Guidance. Case: new students entering the Bachelor's Degree in Accounting.




higher education, high school education, vocational guidance


The objective of this paper is to analyze the impact of adequate and timely vocational guidance. Documentary research was used as the basis for this work. The survey technique was used for data collection. The information comes from a population of 76 new students entering the Bachelor's Degree in Accounting. For the tabulation and analysis of the results, the information obtained from the form designed was taken into account. Among the most important results, it is highlighted that not all students had access to vocational guidance, as well as the impact of receiving such guidance in a timely and efficient manner. The usefulness and benefit for secondary education institutions to continue strengthening these actions, which will be reflected in the students' decisions in higher education, is emphasized.


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How to Cite

González Hernández, M., Suárez Flores, M., Aguirre Bravo, A. A., & Bogarín Correa, M. R. (2023). Relevance of Vocational Guidance. Case: new students entering the Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting. CISA, 5(5), 35–54.



Scientific articles: RESEARCH REPORTS