University Social Responsibility, a fundamental element for university educational models




Modelos educativos, Programa universitario, Responsabilidad Social Universitaria


Introduction: The challenges for Higher Education Institutions highlight the need to visualize emerging features to develop strategies that address social issues, especially public universities must abandon old paradigms and adopt approaches that integrate substantive functions such as University Social Responsibility. Objective: To describe the relationship between the components of the educational model and the axes of University Social Responsibility. Method: Documentary analysis and triangulation. Results: The educational model must integrate the University Social Responsibility because one declares that it must be done and the other marks general guidelines of what elements must be contemplated in the execution, because they complement each other and help in the work, to give social relevance and contribute to the success of the university functions. Conclusion: The models of University Social Responsibility mark how to do things, allowing the achievement of institutional objectives, aligned to the pursuit of social good and following the social commitment.


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How to Cite

Carrillo López, P. L., Saenz Aguiar, A. Y., Ruiz Bernés, S., & Salazar Celedón, J. (2023). University Social Responsibility, a fundamental element for university educational models. CISA, 6(1), 6–19.



Scientific articles: RESEARCH REPORTS