Factores asociados al compromiso laboral en enfermería; revisión sistemática





nursing, work engagement, associated factors


Influencing work engagement is an opportunity to encourage nursing management to be positive about performance and work goals, therefore, it is necessary to determine the factors that can influence it. A systematic review of the literature published between January 2010 and December 2020 was carried out in the EBSCOhots, ScienceDirect, ProQuest and PubMed databases, 31 articles in English and Spanish were included, conducted in accordance with the PRISMA methodology; For the selection, Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS), MeSH Descriptors, as well as the combination of Boolean operators OR and AND, were used. It was found that work commitment is positively associated with creativity, emotional intelligence, leadership, resilience, moral competence, self-efficacy, vocation, and job satisfaction, while work overload, work demands, burnout and the demanding work context had a negative relationship.


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How to Cite

Nava Galindo, N. G., Rodríguez Puente, L. A., & Sampieri Ramírez, C. L. (2024). Factores asociados al compromiso laboral en enfermería; revisión sistemática. CISA, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.58299/cisa.v6i1.65



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