Analfabetismo Tecnológico e Informacional en Estudiantes Universitarios de Nuevo Ingreso en México




Alfabetización informacional, Tecnología de la información, Estudiantes universitarios, Educación superior, México


Technological and informational illiteracy among first-year university students in Mexico represents a significant challenge for higher education in the digital era. This study examines gaps in digital and informational competencies through a documentary and systemic analysis of recent sources. It reveals a considerable disparity in access to and effective use of information technologies, as well as skills to critically evaluate and utilize information. Results indicate that, despite increased access to devices, significant deficiencies in essential digital competencies persist. The study concludes that there is an urgent need to implement digital and informational literacy programs integrated into university curricula, as well as educational policies that address these deficiencies from previous educational levels, to ensure students develop the necessary competencies for their academic and professional success in an increasingly digitalized world.

Author Biographies

Hernani Rea Páez, Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit

Professor of the Academic Unit of Integral Health, participates in the Academic Program of Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition of the Autonomous University of Nayarit.

Hugo David Rodríguez Jiménez, Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit

Professor of the Academic Unit of Integral Health, participates in the Academic Program of Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition of the Autonomous University of Nayarit.


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How to Cite

RUIZ BERNES, A., Rea Páez, H., & Rodríguez Jiménez, H. D. (2024). Analfabetismo Tecnológico e Informacional en Estudiantes Universitarios de Nuevo Ingreso en México. CISA, 6(1).



Scientific articles: RESEARCH REPORTS