Análisis del Estrés Académico en Estudiantes Universitarios del Área de la Salud




academic stress, academic performance, students, SISCO SV Inventory, university


Academic Stress is a risk factor for anxiety and depressive symptoms among college students, which are closely related to school performance. In this study several of its causes and effects were identified. Stress has a negative effect on variables as diverse as emotional state, physical health or interpersonal relationships, and can be experienced differently by each person. The SISCO SV Academic Stress Inventory adapted to the context of the recent public health crisis by COVID-19, which analyzes the dimensions of stressors, symptoms and coping strategies, was applied with a quantitative approach, non-experimental, cross-sectional, descriptive design, randomly applied to a sample of 650 students. The study revealed the negative impact that stress has on the academic performance of university students in the health area and how it is possible to cope with it.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Bernés, A., BENÍTEZ GUERRERO, V., RODRIGUEZ GIL, J. A., RIVERA CORTEZ, R. C., & REA PÁEZ, H. (2023). Análisis del Estrés Académico en Estudiantes Universitarios del Área de la Salud. CISA, 4(4), 54–82.



Scientific articles: RESEARCH REPORTS