Instruments for the Analysis of School Dropout.
Deserción escolar, enseñanza superior, familiaAbstract
University desertion is presented as a great problem and challenge both for the national educational system and for our federal entity, directly im impacting families and students, it is revealed that various factor such as economic, social, family and affective influence abandoning the university studies the national Institute of Geography and Statistics (INEGI 2022), identified the student population índices dropout levels in different school cohorts with worrying conditions of the dropout rates. Likewise, some of the main causes are identified by INEGI (2022), the reason why at the national level they abandon their studies at the higher leave lis economic, with 59.9% of men dropping out the most, in contrast to 45.1% women who drop out their studies ages between 20 years (13.1%) and 19 years (12.8%) indicating the main cause of the economic situation is the lack of money (49.7%).
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